There’s lots to think about when you’re preparing to start a job and when you’re on it, both in terms of making sure that everything goes right and that it stays that way. It’s important to your customers and your reputation.
To help you get prepared and avoid costly problems and unhappy customers, we’ve put together a brief guide to building site essentials.
Essential damp-proofing and vapour-control solutions
One of the biggest challenges you can face on a job is damp. It can wreak havoc on a property, causing all sorts of significant and hard-to-fix damage. We’re talking rotten floorboards, toxic mould, crumbling plaster and peeling wallpaper.
Good-quality damp-proofing is essential and the most widely used damp-proofing solutions are sheet membranes. The options are damp-proof membranes, such as Siteworx Damp Proof Membrane, and vapour-control membranes, such as Siteworx Vapour Membrane. It is vital that you use the right one. Damp proof membranes are used under floors to stop damp rising up into the building, while vapour control membranes prevent moisture from inside the building creeping into the walls and accumulating in the insulation cavities.
Solutions to cracks in plaster, render, concrete and screed
Whether you’re preparing walls, ceilings or floors, cracks in plaster, render, concrete and screed are unsightly, are a pain to fix and make you look bad.
Using specialist solutions will help stop cracks appearing in your plaster and render. To manage the inevitable movement of plaster and render, add a specialist plaster and render fibre solution to your mix, such as Siteworx Plaster & Render Fibres.
The same goes for preventing cracks in concrete and screed. Add a polypropylene fibre solution, such as Siteworx Concrete & Screed Fibres, to your mix to help minimise shrinking and, thus, cracking.
Solutions to cracking in brick and blockwork and concrete
Making sure that the brickwork, blockwork and concrete you lay doesn’t crack avoids unsightly cracks and potential future structural problems, with the added blow of a costly repair bill and a big hit to your reputation
Preventing cracks from appearing in your brickwork, blockwork and concrete is all about managing the movement of these building materials. Key to doing this successfully is using a good quality expansion joint filler, such as Siteworx Foam Expansion Joint Filler for brick and blockwork and Siteworx Fibreboard Expansion Joint Filler for concrete.
Solutions to protecting materials on site
Building site essentials help you do a good job and this includes protecting materials stored on site and ensuring the safety of workers, equipment and construction work. Having the right on-site protection materials is essential to preventing accidents and damage.
Firstly, make sure you have a good supply of tarpaulin – it’s a good idea to have a range of quality, hard-wearing tarpaulin to suit various requirements, such as Siteworx Multi-Purpose Tarpaulin and Siteworx Heavy-Duty Tarpaulin.
Secondly, you’ll need protective sheeting for the various types of interior jobs. It’s worth investing in good-quality protective sheeting and using the right type for the task.
There’s temporary protective sheeting for covering large areas on a site, high-protection sheeting to protect floors and other large interior surfaces, medium-protection sheeting for protecting furniture and light-protection sheeting that can be used as dust sheets when doing various jobs.
Having the right building solutions to hand
Building jobs present plenty of challenges, whether they’re related to damp, cracks in plaster, render, concrete or screed, cracks in brickwork, blockwork or concrete, or protecting materials, equipment, completed work and workers.
Having the right building solutions on site and to hand, ready when you need them avoids potentially costly delays, damage and accidents. Your bottom line and your reputation may depend on it.
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