Some issues will have a long-term impact on the quality of the finish of the outside space, but tackling them head-on with the right professional landscaping products will produce results to be proud of.
Problem #1: How to control weeds
Plants are an integral part of most, if not all, gardens and landscapes. While promoting the growth of plants is what brings joy, there is also the age-old battle to keep unwanted weeds at bay. Weeds are the perpetual villain when it comes to outside space and can quickly spoil the planting design of a client’s garden or landscape.
The solution: One solution to control the growth of weeds would be to apply a chemical weedkiller. However, these may only destroy part of the plant and can damage the quality of the soil, as well as being unenvironmentally-friendly. A more effective solution is to lay a weed control fabric. WEEDTEX is a breathable landscaping membrane that allows water, air and nutrients to pass through while denying weeds the light they need to grow.
Problem #2: How to avoid waterlogging
In any soft or hard landscaping scheme it is essential that water can still drain freely, both for the health of the plant-life and to avoid an unplanned water feature. Lawns, driveways and plant beds can all become waterlogged when water collects, puddles form and drain away too slowly.
Solution: The best solution to drainage problems will depend on the location and the problem in question. To help drain excess water away from plants and help keep them healthy lay a permeable weed control fabric, such as LANDTEX professional landscape fabric. For a lawn prone to waterlogging you may need to install a land drain or French drain – a perforated pipe in a trench, surrounded by pea shingle and lined with a geotextile fabric, such as DRAINTEX non-woven membrane. When laying aggregate or porous block paving, inserting a permeable membrane, such as DRIVETEX, will help the area to drain properly.
Problem #3: How to prevent uneven surfaces
A once beautiful garden or landscaped area can eventually become marred by uneven surfaces, with unsightly cracks, ruts and potholes becoming the focal point, as well as a potential health and safety issue. But these can all be avoided by properly preparing the ground.
Solution: Installing a ground stabilisation membrane, such as GROUNDTEX geotextile fabric, will separate the aggregate and the soil, and spread the load. This simple step will prevent the surface finish from the sinking and rutting that can be caused when aggregates settle into the soil beneath. For areas subject to vehicle traffic a non-woven geotextile fabric, such as DRIVETEX is the best solution.
Problem #4: How to prevent bald patches in grass
A grassed area that is subjected to pedestrian or vehicular use will suffer from soil compression, which removes the oxygen that the grass needs to survive and eventually become prone to unsightly bald patches.
Solution: Maintain a healthy green look to grassed areas that are walked or driven over by installing a modular landscaping system, such as Grassrings. Laid on a suitable stone sub-base, backfilled with soil and seeded, this system provides long-term reinforcement and stabilisation whilst also allowing roots to grow laterally without hindrance.
Problem #5: How to stop gravel moving
As attractive and cost effective as a gravel surface may be, its ability to spread far and wide can be a nuisance and even put people off it altogether. The comings and goings of people and cars, and the force of a heavy downpour of rain can all displace gravel from its original location.
Solution: Keeping gravel in its intended location has never been easier. By installing permeable gravel retention grids, such as Gravelrings, gravel is contained and stabilised. Not only that, these uniquely-designed gravel grids also make it easier to cycle and push wheelchairs and pushchairs over the gravel by reducing sinking and rutting.
Growtivation’s wide range of professional landscaping systems mean we have the right solution for all the common landscaping problems.
Find out more about the Growtivation Product That Works range by downloading our Product Guide and your free copy of our Landscaping That Works guide to weed control and geotextile fabrics. And check out our handy Geo Fabric Product Selector to select the right geotextile fabric for the job.
To find out where you can buy Growtivation products visit our online Where to Buy facility or contact the friendly team at Growtivation for advice on 0800 197 8885 or email sales@growtivation.com.